4 Japanese Influencer Marketing examples for beauty products

Japan is one of the largest markets for cosmetic and personal care products around the world. In addition, the market value is increasing year on year which makes Japan an excellent market for beauty companies. However, due to Covid-19 people are staying at home longer than before, wear masks when going outside, and have fewer opportunities to put on makeup. So what should beauty companies do to cope when faced with this new situation? In Japan, people are still enjoying their beauty time at home and home beauty time has actually become a new trend.

Below these two charts showing the size of the Japanese cosmetic market, we provide some examples of how Japanese influencers are introducing beauty products to their audiences.

Japan is in the top 5 markets for Cosmetic Products

Transition & Forecast of Japan’s Cosmetics Market Size

Sekine Risa

derma roller

sekine.risa is an influencer focusing on beauty and travel. She recently promoted a self-derma roller from YOU & ME, a Korean beauty brand. YOU & ME sells cosmetics without additives or containing cosmetic medicine. One of their products – Derma roller – is a skin regenerating treatment that uses a roller with many thin needles attached. This roller allows people to experience similar treatments to ones given at beauty clinics in the comfort of their home.

Miho Ishii


miho_ishii is a beautician who regularly appears in top beauty magazines. She recently promoted Acneo, a repair moisturizer from Dr. Phil Cosmetics. The brand is run by KOSE which is one of the most famous Japanese cosmetic companies. Most people wear masks in Japan and some of them suffer from skin problems that are exacerbated by wearing masks. Miho shows how that Acneo is a skin care solution that will alleviate and reduce the skin care issues they are having.

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マスクをするようになって、私も度々吹き出物に悩まされるようになる緊急事態。 そんな時に出会えたこちら、以前Youtubeでもご紹介した、皮膚科医監修のアクネオ。繰り返すニキビの部分を柔らかくほぐしながら沈静してくれるリペアモイスチュアライザーは、部位や悩み別にテクスチャーが3タイプ。 皮脂分泌が多くオデコや鼻にニキビができる娘はさらさらジェルタイプのTを。皮脂はないけどプチっと口周りにできてしまう私は乳液タイプのUをそれぞれ使っています。 そして、最近のマスクの下事情。リキッドでベースを仕上げた上にうっすらパウダーを重ねてマスクにファンデがつくのを防いでいるのですが、アクネオの薬用スキンケアパウダーは塗っている間中ニキビケアしてくれるのでサラサラ感と共に一石二鳥です。#acneo#アクネオ#ドクターフィルコスメティクス#PR

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Arisa Ito

lumea advanced

arisaito917 is an instagrammer who posts about her lifestyle. She recently promoted Lumea Advanced, a home epilator from Philips. Many Japanese people are accustomed to going to hair removal salons, however, it’s been difficult to regularly go to salons since March so this way they can experience salon quality hair removal at home.

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結構前に紹介したルメアアドバンス✨ これからの時期は更に肌の露出が増えることもあってかな? 結構前に載せたのにルメアアドバンスについてDM頂くことが最近多いのでお答えします💛 . まず皆さんによく聞かれる効果❣️ 2回照射後くらいから明らかに!!生えてくる毛量が減りました🤭 . お家で手軽にできるから脱毛サロンでもお手入れしづらい部位もチャチャっと自分で出来ちゃって最高です🙆‍♀️ . . #ルメアアドバンス #ルメア #Lumea #Philips #フィリップス #光美容器 #美肌 #美容 #自宅エステ #脱毛 #おこもり美容 #おうち時間 #セルフケア #スキンケア #ムダ毛処理 #美肌ケア #自分磨き #美意識  #PR

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Kuroda Mayuka

vanity philosophy

kurodamayukaxx is an influencer who focuses on cosmetics. She recently promoted shampoo and hair treatment from Vanity Philosophy, a skin care and hair care brand. The products handled by the brand are used at professional workplaces such as hair and beauty salons. As this brand is fairly new and was only launched in 2019, she also goes into a brief introduction about the brand’s concept in the caption.

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おうちスタイルでの写真🏠 目が悪いので家ではメガネのことが多いよ🥺 手に持ってるのは最近使っててこの前ストーリーにも載せたシャンプーとトリートメント! 1番のお気に入りポイントは香り。 今までシャンプーでこんな香りあった?!ってくらい珍しいかんじで、 ワインゼリーみたいな香りで🍷ちょっと甘いけど大人な感じで、本当にいい匂い😭💓 しっかり香りが残るタイプなので、次の日まで全然香ってる🌼 パッケージなどになるべくお金を使わずに、なるべく低価格で高品質なものをっていうブランドさんの方向性もすごくいいなーって思った! カラーダメージのケアや色落ちも防いでくれるので、3週間に1回ペースでカラー行く私にとってはとってもありがたい🥺💓 ・ ・ ・ #ヴァニティーフィロソフィー #ヘアケア #PR #シャンプー #トリートメント#ショートボブ#ボブヘア

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As you can see from these examples there are many types of beauty products in Japan and the market is still active. If yo’re aiming to get your brand more exposure in the Japanese market from influencers on Instagram, please contact us, and we can help you find the most appropriate Japanese influencers for your brand.

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