Japanese Facebook Campaigns, Case Study: Green Site License

Japanese social media

GSL (Green Site License) Facebook page run by RAUL K.K. has started an eco campaign, Doctor Ecomo’s Eco Life Navi. GSL is a service provided to reduce the amount of CO2 and help companies participate in green projects.

By collecting 10 likes, RAUL K.K. plants a tree in a Mongolian desert, also users who clicked ‘Like’ will have an ‘Ecology Certificate’ issued by RAUL K.K. So my ‘Like’ will be plant a tree, the 112th tree, along with the other 9 people that ‘Liked’ the page

I love the concept of doing something that will affect the environment out side of internet via Social Media. And this is a great campaign as both CSR and CRM activities.

Social Media was only for fun before, but as it continued to evolve, both consumers and businesses started to accept the value as an important conversation space for better and more content relationships. For companies, Social Media pages are considered as important as websites and advertisements. With Facebook as a CRM tool, you can get the demographic data of your customers and prospects.

Every ‘Like’ clicked is for a good cause in this example. That’s a great boost for company awareness — whether this is planned or not, people now have good feelings about the brand/company

Another thing I wanted to point out about this campaign is the ‘Like Gate’. I’m sure you know this already, but just to re-iterate, Like Gate (also known as ‘Fan Gate’) is shown as two tabs in your page — one for the users who clicked ‘Like’ and another for those who haven’t. Those who haven’t clicked ‘Like’ will be required to do so in order to view the contents hidden behind the ‘Like Gate’. Whether they clicked ‘Like’ or not is identifiable via the API graph pretty easily. The purpose of this is clearly to increase number of fans by semi-forcing them to click ‘Like’.

So, we are clicking ‘Like’ disregarding if we really like it or not. I ‘Liked’ the RAUL’s page mentioned above, because I liked the concept of the campaign. I didn’t do this because I wanted to see what juicy information they have for me. Just when I was wondering how many Facebook pages I should ‘Like’ when I’m not that into them, I stumbled upon their campaign.

Some people purchase Facebook fans because they consider the number of ‘Likes’ as a measurement of how successful the page appears to be, even though many purchased ‘Likes’ are ghost profiles created by people who get paid to do so. These people will never talk back or enable conversations on your page.

According to some sources, the value of one ‘Like’ is around 3 – 136 dollars. But the quality of each ‘Like’ is not easily measurable. You might ‘Like’ it because you wanted the voucher. Maybe you ‘Like’d it because you really love the brand. Both have potential of being a quality fan.

I love the engagement of the ‘Like’ process the RAUL K.K. campaign created. It makes me have a positive feeling for this company (I hadn’t even known this company before) and at the same time they let me do something good by simply clicking ‘Like’. I’m now participating in planting a tree in the desert of Mongol somewhere.

Kana & The JAPAN BUZZ Team

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