4 tips to remember when running Influencer marketing campaigns in Japan

Social Media Marketing or “SNS Marketing” as it’s known in Japan constantly changing, just like other parts of the world. Updating relevant and useful information on your brand’s Social Media channels is useful, but it’s a good idea to couple it with influencer marketing. This is because many of your audience prefer to hear from […]

Why UGC? Ideas to run successful Japanese Influencer Marketing campaigns

Today we’re going to be talking about the power of User Generated Content (UGC) for the Japanese Market. At JapanBuzz we love collaborating with influencers, generating engaging content and often dedicate a portion of an influencer campaign towards asking influencers to create posts geared towards organic UGC posts. The idea here is to get their […]

Top 5 Social Media Campaigns by Alcohol Brands in Japan

Alcohol brand marketing in Japan has traditionally utilised ads with eye catching prints and TV ads. However, recently there’s a trend that the younger Japanese generation no longer owns TVs. Instead, they watch online TV programmes on their portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Therefore, brands are required to be more active on […]

Delistagrammer! 3 Great Examples of Influencer Campaigns by Food Brands in Japan

With the right content, food campaigns can influence people’s purchase decisions. Furthermore, collaborating with influencers on social media in Japan can certainly get the message across with relatable and a visually attractive representation of the brand. In this article, let’s take a look at 3 food brands in Japan that have successfully used influencer campaigns […]

Japanese Influencer Marketing Trends for 2018

In Japan many companies are already using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LINE and Instagram for marketing purposes. In 2018 using influencer marketing is a strategy more and more Japanese companies are implementing alongside their social media strategy. Consumers are exposed to over 10,000 messages from brands every day according to IE School of […]

Best 3 Father’s Day Japanese Social Media Campaigns in 2018

What did you give your father on Father’s Day this year? Seemingly, there are a lot more things out there involving Mother’s Day than there are for Father’s Day. So today, we would like to focus on Japanese social media campaigns that were successful for Father’s Day! 1. #父の日何贈ろうか問題 – Asahi Beer https://twitter.com/asahibeer_jp/status/1005464543622041601 As people wonder […]

How Do You Measure the ROI of Japanese Influencer Campaigns?

As you work on influencer campaigns for the Japanese market, you might have faced this question — how to actually measure the successes of a campaign and the Return on Investment (ROI)? We imagine that measuring the campaign’s ROI is challenging for many marketers that deal with influencer marketing. According to a survey conducted by […]

Top 5 memorable social media campaigns in Japan 2018

Today we would like to share the 5 most memorable social media campaigns in Japan so far. 1. Dove Japan – Real Beauty [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q72ff7_HLG4[/embedyt] Dove ran a campaign encouraging teenage girls to enhance their own self-esteem by noticing their inner beauty. They found that only 7% of Japanese teenage girls feel confident about their […]

5 female Japanese fashion Influencer tribes

We all know that Japanese fashion is quite unique, when many people think of Japanese fashion, they might come up ‘kyary pamu pamu’ Harajuku style. However not every Japanese girl wears clothes like her. In this article we’re going to categorise 5 styles of Japanese influencer fashion tribes. きれいめ / Kireime Style – @reinahoshi Japanese […]

Japanese Influencer Marketing 2018 – 5 reasons why Micro Influencers will shine

We all know influencer marketing will be a major spend for businesses in 2018. More and more companies are engaging external influencer marketing agencies for strategy and execution work, because it just performs in a much more cost effective way than TV commercials. User generated content appears to have more genuine influence on the public’s […]