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Coca Cola Japan’s Social Media fizz


What’s your favourite Coca Cola Japan drink? Georgia? Real Gold? Aquarius? There are many brands under Coca Cola – my personal favourite is SO-KEN-Bi-CHA (super delicious and refreshing). Last year CNET Japan published a list of the top 50 companies utilising Social Media for brand promotion (based on AMN’s study). Coca cola was number 1. […]

Mixi & Facebook to collaborate?

Japanese Social Media Diagram

It’s still fresh in our memory — Mixi started a collaboration with Twitter at the end of November last year. The collaboration was triggered by the Great North East Japan Earthquake as both online spaces were subject to a massive amount of information exchange following 11 March 2011. If they collaborate it’s clear that these […]

2011 into 2012: Japanese Social Media Trends

A Happy New Year to you all. We hope you all had a great holiday. Today we want to summarise Japanese Social Media trends and movements around Social Media in 2012. Of course, what we’ll be discussing is all about the Japanese market ! Last year was a year of big change. From Facebook finally […]