Top 10 Japanese Instagram Hashtags in 2021

What are the most popular hashtags in Japan on Instagram? In this article, we’ll introduce and translate the trending Japanese hashtags in 2021, and also explain which community hashtags Japanese Instagram or “Insta” users are searching for to connect with fellow like minded folk.

As you may already have read, a post with at least one Instagram hashtag gains 12.6% more engagement than one without any hashtags, and just as in other regions, your use of hashtags can make or break your Japanese Instagram strategy. 

Here is our list of top hashtags in Japan to increase brand awareness and ultimately gain the likes, follows, and conversions you plan to achieve this year.

Top Ten Japanese Hashtags (By Instagram Usage)

*Translations for each tag below*

  1. # 写真好きな人と繋がりたい (40.1M)
  2. #ファインダー越しの私の世界 (27.5M)
  3. #ファッション (26.6M)
  4. #ハンドメイド (26.4M)
  5. #ランチ (23.2M)
  6. #ネイル (22.6M)
  7. #カフェ (21.8M)
  8. #おうちごはん (20.0M)
  9. #旅行 (19.8M)
  10. #お洒落さんと繋がりたい (19.6M)

1) #写真好きな人と繋がりたい (40.1M)

I want to connect to people who likes photography

This may come as a surprise being such a long one but it continues to stay in the number 1 pole position each year. Seeing as Instagram is a photo and visual-based social media this makes complete sense in Japan, where photo aficionados seek each other out using this hashtag.

2) #ファインダー越しの私の世界 (27.5M)

My world through the viewfinder

Perhaps you are noticing a trend here but Japanese people are not afraid to use a long sentence to show their true colours! This tag is often used in posts with SLR camera-wielding folk to show off their recently taken landscape, pets, family and food images. 

3) #ファッション (26.6M)


This one is to be expected isn’t it? As you may imagine, micro and nano influencers use this hashtag to gain more exposure, as do fashion brands, models, designers and hair artists. This tag is often attached along with the Japanese tag #コーデ (an abbreviation for coordinate).

4) #ハンドメイド (26.4M)


The global lockdown caused by Covid-19 only increased Japan’s long standing love of artisan  crafts, especially with people spending extra time working at home. Using this hashtag, you’ll discover unique jewelry pieces, cute household decorations, and gorgeous accessories.

5) #ランチ (23.2M)


Possibly the most versatile of hashtags that anyone can use! It’s a fair statement that some of the most photogenic foods can be found in Japan and this tag allows you to share your lunchtime adventures. This tag can also provide you with some superb Bento lunchbox ideas! 

6) #ネイル (22.6M)

Nail art

If you have not already come across Japanese nail art, check out these soft-gel artistic creations! With this hashtag you’ll discover the latest nail artisan masterpieces and please note that in Japan it’s not unheard of for guys to have nails done so don’t be surprised if you see this!

7) #カフェ (21.8M)


Instagram and stylish Japanese cafes go hand in hand. A quick scroll through the top posts will bring you the most immaculate parfaits, cheesecakes, and adorably cute animal cream puffs! Also a great tag to find your new favourite traditional Japanese dessert or master roaster if you’re a little more serious about your cafe time!

8) #おうちごはん (20.0M)

Home cooking

Whether you’re aiming to show off your cooking skills, gain a following for your new cooking account, or trying to get healthy ideas for dinner, this is the tag for you! As often on Japanese Instagram, presentation is key and you’ll find passionately created recipes exquisitely arranged.

9)#旅行 (19.8M)


Covid-19 has stopped physical travel but certainly has not stopped us dreaming where we will go next. This tag also allows many to relive their travel journeys, connect and share experiences with those who have visited the same sites, and frees us of the lockdown that many of us face.

10)#お洒落さんと繋がりたい (19.6M)

I want to connect to people who are fashionable

A solid reason for using this tag is that it allows you to focus on targeting a firmly Japanese fashion loving demographic. This tag has also been great for shy people trying out a new look and expanding their audience. Or in this example for apparel store owners testing the waters!

We’ll be back with more Instagram hashtags you need to know for several Japanese verticals throughout 2021. In the meantime, if you’re looking to run an influencer campaign in Japan or need help getting started, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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